cPanel: Calculate Disk Space and Bandwidth

cPanel: Calculate Disk Space and Bandwidth

This article explains how to calculate the disk space and bandwidth usage in cPanel.

At Web242, our hosting plans are based on Disk Space and Monthly Bandwidth. We prefer this approach to an unlimited hosting plan. The problem with unlimited hosting, is at some point limits are indeed placed. These limits are called throttling, and usually result in slower page loading. At Web242, we prefer not to throttle resources. We believe everyone should have a fast loading site!

For most people starting out, the Starter Hosting Plan will cover more than enough resources for one site. However, if you are moving your site from another host over to Web242, you may not know exactly how much disk space or bandwidth you need.

To find out, it’s pretty simple! Login to your cPanel account:


Once your logged in you’ll see the Disk Space Usage and Monthly Bandwidth used:

From the cPanel example, we can see the website has used 5.4 GB of Disk Space and has a current Monthly Bandwidth usage of 7.59 GB.

If you are thinking of moving your site over to Web242, but don’t feel comfortable with cPanel, then get in touch with us. We can look at your site stats and recommend the best hosting plan to suit your needs!

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